Emery Cat РTo Keep Your Cat̢۪s Claws in Check

One of the things that stops many people from getting a cat as their pet is the fact that the cat would claw around and spoil their furniture and other belongings by scratching them with its nails.For the people who already have cats, there is a constant fear that the cat will scratch your sofa-sets or tear apart your curtains, and there is even a slight worry of kids getting hurt while playing with the cat.

Some people clip the nails or claws of their cat to ensure that the animal does not hurt anyone or scratch the furniture; however, being clawless would also make the cat defenseless.Moreover, the clipper may cut the claws much closer to sensory nerves, thus causing pain to the pet, making it a very cruel solution.There is another solution in the form of scratching posts, which you can install in the house for the cat, and it is on these scratching posts that the cat can play around and scratch.

Nevertheless, in general, the cats do not understand that they should only scratch at the scratching post; in fact, they may not even scratch at the post at all and may continue to scratch the furniture as usual.The answer to this peril lies in form of a new product called the Emery cat, which is a nail file tool for the cat.This product is in the arched shape and has a honeycomb surface, which allows the cat to both scratch and stretch thus making it an ideal solution to file the cat’s nails.

Moreover, if you check the Emery cat reviews, you will figure out that since the product is infused with catnip and comes with a cat toy on one of its corners; most pets like to play with this product.When the cat keeps playing with the Emery board, the claws keep getting filed, making them less sharp, thus reducing the risks of the cat hurting the kids of damaging the furniture. Moreover, since the claws are filed and not clipped, it also does not cause any pain to the pet.

Check out the various Emery cat reviews that are available online, and check with the people who have already bought the product to find more about it. When you plan to buy it, make sure you buy the authentic Emery cat board only.In the process of buying your cat a great scratching toy, you should also look out for the promotional offers and free goodies to ensure you get the best deal.