How to deal with a fearful dog

Scaredy cat depicts the supposedly nervous nature of felines while Brutus, a dog is a K-9 Air Force hero. These characters have depicted the dog’s tough guy personality and the frail and nervous character of the cat. Dogs are viewed as fearless animals – so tough to have the ability to deal with criminals and to fight animals much bigger than its own size. The fact that dogs get scared is quite unbelievable. What would you do if the pet has a nervous personality?

Many pet owners are exposed to the “scaredy” personality of the pet. An accelerated heart rate, shaking and salivating are manifestations of a scared dog. The very scared pet may urinate and defecate inside the house too. Ordinary situations and sounds like the ringing of the telephone, the sound of fireworks or thunder storm can trigger a nervous attack in fearful dogs. Scared dogs will react differently to situations that are considered to be scary. Other dogs would be destructive. What would be alarming for a dog owner is the possibility that a dog trying to get away from the cause of the fear would injure himself. For the well being of the pet, a dog owner has to find ways how the scared pet can be helped.

Dogs are intelligent animals and to some extent can understand what humans say. Although intelligent, dogs does not have the ability to understand the explanation of the master that what was considered as frightening is in fact not dangerous.

A dog owner has to find effective ways to deal with the dog’s fears. Dogs are well loved pets and it would be understandable if the pet owner would run to the dog and to soothe the fear with comforting words. The presence, the touch and the voice will comfort the pet – for a while but when the pet is exposed to the same situation it will tremble in fear again. What must be done is to teach the dog to weather the stressful situation.

An owner can distract the nervous dog with a game, with a toy or even with the dog’s favorite food so that what will be retained in the dog’s mind is the pleasant experience. Mask the sound of firecracker and thunderstorm with the sound of the stereo. Get the dogs in a room with closed drapes and let the dog play with its favorite toy. A treat filled Kong toy will make the dog forget the scary situation as dogs are food and toy motivated.

Find out more about what to do when your dog is scared and first aid for dogs at Sarah’s Dogs.