This product is a nutritionally fortified daily diet made with fiber-rich, sun-cured timothy hay combined with other essential ingredients necessary for your chinchilla. Timothy hay aids the natural digestive process of rabbits by poviding a high quality source of fiber. Because timothy hay is lower in calcium than other grasses, it may decrease the likelihood of urinary tract problems and other health issues relative to chinchillas. Product Features: timothy hay based diet, high fiber for better gastrointestinal healthy, complete nutrition for chinchillas, pelleted for easy feeding and optimal animal acceptance, lower protein and calcium levels than alfalfa based diets. Chinchillas are becoming increasingly popular as companion animals; they are relatively easy to care for. If your chinchilla is acquired while it is still young, with gentle handling it can become quite tame. In the wild, chinchillas live in and around the Andes Mountains. They come from a very dry habitat where they bathe in volcanic dust. This explains why as pets they need to have dust baths several times a week. Chinchillas become mature between 8 to 12 months and can have a life span from 10 to 15 years.