Cat owners .ove theri cats and want to keep him or her as healthy as possible. Obesity can be an issue for cats and for humans. Heart disease, arthritis, and diabetes are only a few of the serious illnesses your cat can come down with by beingtoo heavy . As ever cat owner is aware , your little sweetie knows precisely howget you do to what he wants for those tasty , though many times fattening, extra little bits of food . How can you look into those big, wide eyes that seem to be begging , PLEASE, PLEASE and PURR-ty PLEASE , and still say no. Too difficultt ! But what you can do is make sure those tasty treats you are giving your furry feline is healthy , whether they or fat, slim, young or old. Homemade cat food is easy to make, easy to store or freeze and most of all your cat will purr!
The pet stores have tons of cat treats, all of which state how your cat will love them and how healthy they are , and many of these are just as they advertise to be . However, if you would like to get a little more personal with your cats eating habits, and want to know for sure what they are eating, here are a few tasty, but healthy little cat treats that will them having purring to their hearts content.
If you have ever seen a cat eat grass , then yourealize they also need , a little vegetation in their diet. Some of you might be thinkg about already be making yourfurry friend it’s home made meals, one thing you might start doing is adding a little cooked rice or pasta to the meat. Your cat will still love it and you can give them more food but with a lot less the calories.
I don’t usually put recipes in my articles, but this one looked so great I thought you might just want to try it. I know I am. It starts with tuna, a no brainier. In all my life I have never seen a cat who didn’t just love a nice scrumptious morel of fish. Here is all you need. It will make 12 cat cookie treats.
6 ounce can of tuna
¼ cup water drained from can of tuna
¼ cup cornmeal
½ cup whole wheat flour
1 cooked egg white
preheat oven to 350. Combine tuna, egg white and water. Add cornmeal and flour and blend to form a dough. Knead into ball and roll ¼ inch thick. Cut into one inch size pieces and bake for 20 minutes.
That is all there is to it and your little ball of fur will love you for it.
You can find dozens if not hundreds of different home made cat treats on the internet or even from cat food recipe books found at your local pet shop. I can not even begin to print them all, but I did want to let you to know they are not only out there and available, but very healthy for your cat. Jump in and try one. When you see the reaction your cooking gets, it will all be work the little bit of effort.