Separation Anxiety In Dogs Is Developed And Individuals Play A Great Role In Its Bristling Development And Escalation. Read To Find Out More.

Separation anxiety in dogs is one problem that could be very frustrating for both the pet owner and the pet. Generally speaking, separation anxiety in dogs is not an innate quality to them. People play a big part in the development and escalation of separation anxiety in dogs. Dogs develop insecurity and anxiety depending on how the pet owner treats them. If it is always fussed over and has not been trained to be alone especially during its formative years, dogs are more likely to develop separation anxiety. 

One quality of dogs is that they are very socially oriented. Dogs have the capability to observe people around them. Based on our body language, the energy we project, and the tone of voice, dogs can sense how we feel. Separation anxiety in dogs is more likely to occur with a pet that has been made to feel inadequate and dependent by its owner.

 You need to train it to be calm when alone and to be independent if you want to avoid the occurrence of separation anxiety in dogs. Aside from being firm with discipline, you can avoid separation anxiety in dogs if you refrain from paying too much attention to your pet and rewarding its bad behavior. 

Since it is a behavioral concern, there are many manifestations of separation anxiety in dogs. Your dog could be experiencing separation anxiety if it always follows you around and becomes fretful when it can’t see you. Another sign that your pet has separation anxiety is when it becomes increasingly nervous or anxious every time you prepare to go out. If your dog starts panting and pacing around whenever you look for your car keys or you hold your bag or you put on your coat, it may be experiencing separation anxiety in dogs. 

The degree of separation anxiety in dogs may range from mild to severe. Some dogs with separation anxiety bark a lot or whine incessantly while some are more prone to exhibiting destructive behavior when they are left home alone. To help your dog get over its separation anxiety, you need to be very patient to see your pet through the training process.