Let me tell a bit on myself to start out…I literally thought the big pet categories fell into the cat and dog columns and that there was little else happening. Until I started writing this article, I had no idea that pet birds were so popular.
And guess what, owning a pet bird, especially the larger parrots can become very costly. Very quickly.
Taking ownership of a bird is a big undertaking and as you start to add up the costs, it becomes very apparent, very quickly that you are going to need instant ways to get the cheapest bird supplies online sooner rather than later.
We know that the biggest bird brands distribute through the biggest online vendors (like Amazon) because they are seeking to expand their brand reach and increase their margins.
Everything from bird toys to bird food to bird carrying cases…these are the things that quickly turn a simple pet into a costly venture so moving to get these supplies online to get the best prices is a no brainer to many.
Additionally, there are the larger Petcos of the world that are both online and offline that probably have the brands you know you need at the prices online and off that will compete with anyone.
If you think this is all insignificant, I can also tell you that the simple act of trying to get a custom bird cage online can easily lead to far more dollars going out than you thought.
Having had no idea that the bird community was as strong as it, it makes me wonder what else I should probably look into aqs far as perception versus reality is concerned.