An AMVA certified Orlando vet Gives Tips on Tending to Your Hamsters

There are pointers every respectable Orlando vet will share about caring for your hamster so there is no trip to the office for an illness. As such, there are several things these tiny critters require in order to live happy and healthy lives. This involves a good cage to call its own, bedding, a wheel to exercise in and food and water.

Your hamster can develop an illness if the cage is the wrong size or is not cleaned properly, which requires a trip to the AMVA certified Orlando vet. Since a hamster can fit through a barred cage it is best to purchase a plastic cage with the bottom that comes out for cleaning. Bear in mind that cages for hamsters are pretty small. The Orlando vet will let you know that your hamster only needs enough room for their food bowl, water holder, exercise wheel and a place for privacy.

While talking about hiding places, keep the accessories to a minimum, the cages do not need much. This can be a simple cardboard box or you can purchase a little plastic cubby hole at the pet store. If you use a cardboard box, be sure to replace it every so often since it can become dirty, causing problems with their respiratory system that a respectable Orlando vet needs to treat. Those plastic homes will also need to be sanitized from time to time as well.

Your hamster’s nesting materials are required to be soft and absorbent. Using aspen wood shavings and paper material found at stores are suggested by most licensed Olrando vets. You do not want to use cedar and pine chips because they can make the little critter sick from respiratory system problems. To keep the hamster’s bedding fresh, replace it every three to four days.

Your AMVA certified Orlando vet will tell you that your hamster needs food that is well-balanced and nutritional and water in a upright plastic bottle. You then can be sure that your pet receives the needed nutrients and can access fresh water. Hamsters enjoy eating nuts, seeds and veggies. The Orlando vet will recommend only giving a minimal amount of special treats because they do not have a big appetite.

Our friends the hamsters are sure to have happy and healthy lives by following these pointers. Supply them with much food, water and a clean cage. That way you can stay clear of the Orlando veterinarian and the pain of a pet sickness.