Building a Doghouse for your Best Buddy

You have just come home from picking up your new best buddy, a puppy.  Now, you need to provide the basics for your dog, like food, security, and shelter.  Small dogs love to snuggle into a cozy basket lined with some fleece or a soft blanket. It gives them a safe and secure feeling. Your pup has been removed from its natural habitat and needs to find its own safe space in your home. It would require a small den like structure that it feels safe in. THe internet has many small dog houses that may suit puppies and if you don’t plan to buy a full size one, you can get a separator so that puppy is not overwhelmed by the size of the dog house.

So ensure that you give him his space, line it with some soft fabric that he can snuggle into, when it’s done playing and exploring its surroundings. You need to keep a few things in mind while getting a small dog house for your pet. First of all, dogs are pack animals and in their mind, you are the pack leader. They need to see you and be with you. If you keep the pup outside all the time, it may feel that you are abandoning it.

It is advisable to build a small dog house that fits the puppy snugly if you can afford to build it. If not, then buy one that will see your dog through adulthood. Get a dog house that will be good enough to accommodate your pet through adulthood, and get a separator. If the dog house is too large the pup may just soil one part of it and sleep in another. Ensure that the separator can keep your pup snug in one end to avoid such problems.  After all, this is your best buddy, and dont you want him comfortable