Dog First Aid – Single seizure

A playing dog that suddenly keeled over and make pedaling motions with the legs dog would be a frightful sight. It would not be surprising a for a pet parent to panic upon seeing the seizing pet especially if it is the first time. Dog owners that have been exposed to the seizing episodes of the pet would know that rushing to help a seizing dog would be dangerous.

The owner of a seizing dog has to remain calm to be able to help the pet. To remain calm while watching the seizing pet would be very difficult. It is therefore necessary for a dog owner to understand what causes the seizure and its effects to the dog.

A seizure would occur when the dog cannot cope with the abnormal activity of the brain. Various ailments can cause the abnormal activity of the brain. Ingestion of toxic substances or an accident that causes the brain to swell are some of the conditions that would trigger a seizure. The pet can suffer from single episode of seizure or from cluster or repeated seizures. In repeated seizure the dog would seize in clusters or in a single seizing episode, the dog would seize repeatedly. A single seizure usually lasts in seconds or in a few minutes and the dog would not have another episode for the rest of the day. Single seizure may not be as severe as repeated seizure but the dog would still benefit from a vet’s attention. As single seizures only last for a few minutes, the pet would have fully recovered when seen by the vet.

As mentioned, the duration of a single seizure is very short thus the dog’s seizing episode is allowed to run its course. Needless to say, first aid that will shorten the seizure will not be necessary. Simply put, there is no first aid for single seizure but a dog owner can do a lot to help the seizing pet.

The dog owner has to remain calm to be of more help in preventing the dog from causing itself harm. The dog must be moved away from water or from stairs. To prevent the dog from being injured by sharp and hard objects, the dog must be moved away. Seizing dogs would appear to be in immense pain but actually they are not thus there will be no need to pet or to hug the pet as the disoriented dog can bite. Talking softly to the pet would be a better idea as the master’s voice can help calm the pet .

Learn more about single seizure as well as first aid for dogs at Sarah’s Dogs.