Guinea Pig Care

Guinea pigs are easy to take care of and need only a little daily attention. However, if you do not know how to take care of your pet guinea pig, it could easily die and you surely do not want that to happen. Below is a list of some tips on guinea pig care.

A guinea pig should be kept in a cage that is suitable for the animal. It should be large enough to give you pet plenty of room to play and exercise in. The floor of the cage should be solid, so that the guinea pig’s paws will not be wounded. Avoid cages that have wires on  floor as it will most likely cause wounds to the guinea pig’s paws.

Put the cage of your guinea pig in a place where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight or extreme cold such as in an air conditioned room because guinea pigs are sensitive to the temperatures. Make sure you choose a permanent location for your pet’s cage. Avoid transferring moving the cage to another room with a different temperature since sudden temperature changes could affect the guinea pigs. Also, all the moving about will stress your pet guinea pig.

Put something on the floor of the cage for bedding to keep your guinea pig warm and happy. The most common bedding that guinea pigs love is scraped saw dust. Newspapers are great as well. At pet stores, you can buy bedding that contains vitamins that are good for the guinea pig. Timothy hay is an example of this. Guinea pigs love to bury themselves under bedding. If you make the effort to provide your guinea pig with a safe cage with quality bedding they will certainly be comfortable and happy.

The best foods to give your guinea pig are the processed foods that are sold on pet stores since it is proven to be good for these animals as it contains the nutrients that are necessary for them. It is also good to give fruits and vegetables once in a while as their snacks so that they will have something to nibble on.

It is also advisable to put little toy houses or other materials that can be used for hiding since there are times that a guinea pig will want to hide.

It is important to make sure that your pet guinea pig is as comfortable as possible so that it will not be stressed and get sick. Also, don’t forget that a little daily tender loving care can go a long way to a guinea pigs happiness.