Information On Pet Birds

Many  households have pet birds and it’s so sad to see such beauties caged just to please humans. It seems such a cruelty on the  side of men to make pet birds spend so much of their lives confined to a small space. They should be singing in trees and flying up in the sky, not decorate your kitchen or greenhouse.  The reasons for which we  keep them enclosed are really childish, not to mention that they break the animal rights that some people are so fond of.

Pet birds are different from this perspective from any other types of pets. Birds cannot turn into man’s companions the way cats and dogs do. Many  people take parrots for pet birds just because they were smitten by an unexpected ‘Hello’ when entering a pet shop. Yet, they make such choices  without being aware of the full implications of having such animals around the house. Did you know there are parrot species that can live up to 100 years?

Can you imagine what it would be like to stay caged for that long? It’s sad, it’s appalling and inhumane. And you are incredibly selfish or ignorant if you think otherwise. So, yes, I’m saying a big NO to pet birds. They should enjoy their freedom just as you enjoy  yours! They can make life a lot more beautiful from the branch of  a tree. A family kitchen is no place for growing birds. Think again of what you teach your children when you buy them a  caged bird. You’ll just teach them no respect for life and freedom.

Except for domestic birds that grow around the house in the backyard, no flying creature makes a good pet. Their purpose is solely decorative, and from this point of  view, pet birds only seem to satisfy a superficial penchant for ‘natural beauty’. If you are such a great nature lover, then, go to the forest, to a national park and admire animals and birds in  their free splendor, but don’t take pet birds.

If the tone of this article sounds too critical, I’m sorry, but I think it is time we woke up and looked around us. Environmental awareness may start  precisely in your family kitchen. Teach your children respect for nature and all God’s creatures. Then, we’ll have less pollution, fewer animals at the zoo, more balance in the environment and  a happier life. Thank you for reading this far, and may you enjoy all the living things around us!