Quick Guide to Treating Cat Nose Bleeds

by Flora Westbrooks

Felines are generally prone to various health ailments that are also common in human beings. Cat nose bleeds is just one of the problems that anyone may have to face in the general course of your pet’s lifetime. Just like just about any other health issues, information is the main step to cure it, or at the very least provide a secure condition for your cat. Feline nose bleeding is additionally often known as epistaxis. This disorder may be caused by damage in the nasal passage or perhaps the presence of foreign particles in its nasal area. Trauma, nasal tumors and dental disorders are some other reasons of nasal bleeding in felines.

 The key symptoms which should alert you about your kitty acquiring this specific health problem are bleeding from the nose accompanied by sneezing. Your kitty may also have a swollen nose complemented by foul smell. That’s the reason it is crucial that you examine the oral and nasal parts of your cat during the grooming sessions. Quite often, the kitty may also have black coloured feces.

As soon as any of these symptoms occur, you should attempt to do some damage control. Applying first aid would definitely help the feline to obtain some respite. One thing that you can do should be to help your feline relax as any anxiety or excitement may only enhance the bleeding. You can use cold compression on the nose, as this would assist the blood to clot, or at least slow down the flow.

Once you’ve done your bit, bring your kitten to the veterinarian immediately, to ensure that they might run some essential checks straight away. Generally blood tests, X-Rays, and analysis of urine are performed to determine the precise root cause of nasal bleeding. It is the diagnosis that could decide the nature of the remedy. If the bleeding is the result of a foreign body or even a growth, then your vet may need to surgically remove it.

Nose bleeding can indicate something more serious, but try not to panic as your own growing anxiety would likely simply worsen your pet’s problem. The best thing you can actually do would be to stay cool and to handle the situation with patience. Keeping your apartment mess free would assist in preventing the kitty from bumping into any sharp or hard object and getting injured.

As a final point, be alert and don’t think twice to reach out to your veterinarian if you suspect your cat is suffering from cat nose bleeds.