Reasons why dogs eat leaves

Mealtimes can be the most important part in a dog’s existence as these food motivated animals are voracious eaters. Dogs that are left alone all day would be ecstatic to see the master at the end of the day because it would mean that mealtime is near. The daily activities of dogs in the wild are devoted to finding a meal. Dogs have to hunt to survive and since food is not always available, dogs would eat every bit of the prey when one is found. Dogs are mainly carnivorous but these adaptable animals can eat anything when prey is not available. Roots, fruits, berries and leaves become the dog’s diet when no prey is found.

The activity of hunting for food is no longer needed by modern day dogs. Nutritious foods are regularly provided by the owners. This is why dog owners are puzzled by the dog inclination to eat non-food items. Well fed dogs would still add rocks, twigs, cloths and even poop to their menu. A pet owner should be thankful that the dog has developed an addiction to leaves and not to poops.

Dogs that eat leaves are believed to be correcting a dietary imbalance. Dogs have an uncanny ability to know what is wrong with their system. Dogs that are provided by owners with cheaper low quality dog food that mainly contain cereal fillers would munch on the leaves of momma’s plants to fill up a nutrient deficiency.

Because of a big appetite, dogs would eat almost anything. These animals are very curious as well. Dogs would investigate things with their mouth thus they get to swallow foreign and non-food items. Voracious eaters that they are dogs would not pass up the chance to eat spoiled food. Would it be surprising if the dog would have an upset stomach? Nature is truly amazing as it has given these animals the capability to deal with a recurring health concern. Dogs simply need to eat leaves and presto! the foreign matters as well as the toxic substances in the stomach that ails the pet will be vomited. Leaves eating behavior can be attributed to the dog’s desire to gain the family’s attention. Dogs that eat leaves of prized plants will surely be reprimanded by the owners. For a dog, reprimands would be better than no attention at all.

The habit to eat leaves is not really dangerous as long as what was eaten are not poisonous. To keep the pet safe, the owner has to find ways to curb the dog’s inclination to eat leaves.

Find out more about why dogs eat leaves and first aid for dogs at Sarah’s Dogs.