Dog Nipping – Five Suggestions To Stop Dog Nipping

Nipping the playful biting and mouthing of your hands and garments by your dog is especially common among puppies, but can also happen in older dogs that have not been taught correct bite inhibition.  It’s natural for dogs to mouth and nip.  They explore the world using their mouths to a dog, his mouth is as vital as eyes and hands are to us.  Nipping is very different from true aggression; it’s a kind of communication, interaction, exploration, and play.  

It’s completely lovable when your new puppy starts nipping at your hair or your neck during play time.  This behavior , however , if left unchecked may cause major problems when his adult teeth come in.  If your dog is nipping, you need to start teaching him that it’s an unsatisfactory behavior.  

1.  When your dog does nip be sure to stop playing with him right away.  Make sure he knows that it hurt by announcing “ouch”.  Then you can tell him, “bad dog, and no bite”.  It is important to be consistent when you discipline him, so be sure you tell him the same thing each time.  

2.  Be certain and teach your dog you are not the toy.  Always replace your hand with a toy and let him know that he is meant to play with it rather than you!  

3.  Another tip is to tell him to sit immediately after he has nipped you.  Take your finger and tap on his nose and say “no bite” in a humorless voice.  The tap is not intended to hurt him….it’s just to let him know this isn’t correct behavior.  Your tone of voice is just as important as the tap on the nose.  If you were his real mom, it would kindly be like a verbal growl!  After a bit all you will have to do is raise your finger and he will know to stop.  

4.  Dog nipping, unfortunately, is inspired during game playing, when the dog is jumping up to get something.  So don’t play games that include waving your hands, tug of war or asking him to jump up.  Playing go fetch it and retrieve games is fine so long as your dog knows to drop the toy…  That way he is not fighting over the toy with you.  

5.  Most significantly, be consistent.  Dogs do not understand the “sometimes” word.  They do understand the word no!  Stay consistent…  Doesn’t confuse him!

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